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BreathMedicine Class - Conscious Living Through Breath (Online via Zoom)

Short of breath?
Stressed or anxious?
High blood pressure?
Problems sleeping?

How you breathe determines how you feel, how you feel determines how you behave, how you behave affects decisions you make, the decisions you make determine your future. What future do you want and at what cost?

One of the most proven ways to increase your wellbeing is through integrated, conscious breathing.

In this practice you will learn and practice controlled breathing techniques used by ancient yogi to modern-day navy seals.


Each technique has its own benefits for mind, body & soul.

These include:

• Reducing stress & anxiety calming the nervous system
• Lowering blood pressure & improve circulation
• Better mood regulation & providing increased mental focus and clarity
• Improving sleep
• Alkalizing the blood PH & reducing inflammation
• Reducing asthma symptoms
• Improving digestion & bowel movement
• Stripping away stomach fat
• Lowering respiratory rate
• Increasing cardiovascular & respiratory function
• Detoxing body & enhancing the immune system


In this weekly practice you will learn and practice controlled breathing techniques used by ancient yogi to modern-day navy seals. They can awaken the body’s inner pharmacy for state-changing as well as activate your own self-healing abilities.

Many of these techniques can be used any time throughout the day to help change your state, improve your performance, raise or relax your energy and so much more.

Purchase options are available here.