Dementia - A global epidemic

The key to a better brain lies in what we do EVERY DAY

‘Just as it takes a community to raise a child, it takes a community to HEAL.’

This is my mother Lorraine (76 yrs) who is suffering from mild dementia. She is one of millions worldwide.

For the past 3 months Sabrina and I have been implementing the 'Bredesen Protocol' as well as incorporating tools such as meditation, breathwork, exercise and time on the inversion table like in this photo to help reverse her dementia. Lucky we have great family support behind us. We are seeing more signs of improvement that give us all hope.

There are a lot of misconceptions out there such as:

1) It is mostly genetic⁠

2) It's due to ageing⁠

3) There is nothing much you can do about your risk⁠

The medical establishment has failed to provide a single-drug treatment for Alzheimer's because it’s not a single thing that needs repairing, it’s a combination.

We are NOT powerless. The power is firmly in our own hands.⁠

The key to a better brain lies in what we do EVERY DAY:⁠

⁠🍴 The way we EAT...⁠⁠

🏃🏼The way we MOVE...⁠

🧘 The way we LIVE...⁠

⁠...Has the power to make or break your 🧠⁠